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The Lost Sheep
Sipoze yonn nan nou gen san 100 mouton. Si l' pèdi yonn ladan yo, èske li p'ap katrevendisnèf lòt mouton yo nan dezè a, pou li al dèyè sak pèdi a? L'ap chache l' jouk li jwenn li. Lè l' jwenn li, l'ap mete l' sou zepòl li ak kè kontan. Luke 15:4-5
24x36 canvas wrap
$399 Cart+
© Lois Colton, LoisColtonPhotography.com
MFC: tls-cw24-ht
Shipping (USPS Priority): costs will be included in the invoice we send.
Product Specifications:
Canvas Wrap:
These are available in various sizes.
Visit FineArtAmerica.com to order.
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